Deploy your application around the world with all the resources it needs. The .eye network combines cloud, edge, and bare-metal providers together under one platform. And our orchestrator automatically scales the RAM, CPU and GPU to meet your demands.
So get all the servers you’ll ever need to:
Get the most out of your budget. By combining providers from across cloud, edge and bare-metal networks, we can offer the same compute needs for half the price.
Hit the market before your competitors. When you deploy your application more efficiently, you can invest those savings back into your application. And provide your application with even more compute.
Suddenly need more compute power? New users in Singapore? We’ll automatically spin up new instances of your application in the right locations. So you know that you’ll always have the compute power you need to handle your application.
The .eye platform acts as a bridge between your business and multiple server providers. By vetting the best providers, we’ve created a single network that you can trust to handle the most demanding applications. You can even add your own infrastructure into the mix.
Just upload your application, and we’ll do the heavy lifting. Our orchestrator automatically rolls it out across our entire network. And you’ll be up and running in just a few minutes.
Training an AI model takes vast amounts of compute time and specialised hardware. That kit is too expensive to build yourself, so inevitably developers turn to cloud solutions. Unfortunately, these providers can often trap you in their platform and steadily rise their prices.
We can help. Get in touch with our team to get started today.
Sebastiaan Heijne
CEO and founder of .eye
Email: [email protected]
Andrew Walker
Head of Business Development
Email: [email protected]
For marketing opportunities, email: [email protected]